The Power Of Affirmations

The Power Of Affirmations

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Affirmations are spoken statements that can be of a positive or negative nature. In the popular sense of the term they are spoken commands made purposefully in order to change some aspect of our life. In order to fully understand how affirmations work and the science behind their use we must first look at the way our minds work!

When we are born our brains are like empty computers waiting to be fed information. As we grow our peers act as our programmers, they supply us with the knowledge which we channel through the conscious mind into the subconscious (our hard drive). The subconscious mind is the biggest hard drive ever developed – it stores everything we come in contact with and by no means is all of this information of a positive nature.

All that we have heard, touched, smelt, tasted and seen are stored in the recesses of our minds. The subconscious mind holds on to this information until we need to recall it. For example when you were young your curiosity lead you to investigate your surroundings. When you approached a substance that was dangerous, such as fire, your parents or guardians would most likely have rebuked or scolded you if you ventured too near the flame. Perhaps you may even recall an incident when you were physically burned. Your subconscious mind then began to relate scolding (or pain) with the intense heat of the fire and would therefore feed the feelings of the scolding incident back to you whenever you got too close to fire again, thus acting as an early warning system.

This is the mechanism used by our brains to learn. It is also the same method employed by the mind in every situation. The subconscious mind has a tendency to emulate what it sees – it tends to replicate its environment. This is why so many people find themselves in similar relationships and situations that they saw their parents in while they were growing up. Most people also hold very strongly or similar views of their parents.

Think of a time when you gave yourself praise. What words did you use? Do you use the same words that your parents or peers used when they were praising you? The same is applicable when you scold yourself.

Watch your internal dialogue. Look at it closely. It takes diligence to change the way you think. When you notice yourself thinking a negative chose to think the opposite. This way you neutralise the negative thought. Now the think the positive thought again! You have just reversed the negative thinking in that moment and remember you only have this moment. No other time exists! You are in the NOW.

The whole point of affirmations is to convince the mind that what you are repeating is the truth. As you verbalize your desire you will find negative emotions and contrary statements entering your conscious awareness. You must deal with these negative thoughts as they arise in order for your affirmations to work! Many people use affirmations with EFT or the Sedona Method in order to eliminate the negativity that comes up as a result of affirming something that feels untrue. 남자레플

During your normal day daydream about what might be. Imagine things the way you wish them to be. If you catch yourself thinking “this is just a daydream – a fantasy” then stop! Think the opposite. It is not a daydream it is your reality. Now think it again. Release the resistance as it arises in whatever ay you can.

If you just repeat affirmations with no feeling, or worse, feeling that it isn’t true, then you are actually affirming the opposite in your own mind! This is why some people find their situations actually getting worse when they work with affirmations. You must release the resistance by creating the feeling that the affirmation is true.

Bob Doyle goes into this approach indepth in his wealth beyond reason audio & video courses. I have found that affirmations will only work for me if I use EFT or the sedona method.

By creating the feeling of ‘having it now’ while repeating your affirmation you will begin to retrain your subconscious mind to think positively and you will ultimately begin to consciously create a life that dreams are made of!

Read the review of affirmware – the company behind a powerful affirmation software tool that can really boost the effectiveness of your affirmations!

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